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Educational Development


The Oscar Romero Center for Health and Community Education leaders have worked in the Alta Mira Flores community for more than two decades.  This is a community of fifteen thousand families living on the outskirts of San Salvador, El Salvador. The ORC greatly assists the school in providing psychological support, education and meals for 275 children every year. 


Domestic Violence Support Group


Domestic Violence support groups are available to persons who meet the admission criteria regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, religion or any other discriminatory criteria.

A basic aspect of our mission involves the provision of these services within a cultural context that is sensitive to the community. 



Sexual Abuse Recovery


When a child's innocence is stolen through sexual abuse, it affects self-worth, personality development, socialization and achievement. It can later impact intimacy in their adolescent and adult relationships.

Our hope is to  create a safe environment in which we support, empower,  and educate survivors, as well as their families  and community in general.  


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